Freedom | Expansion | Evolution

For Women – My Role As Queen Maker

for women – my role as queen maker

Late last year during a weekend workshop exploring feminine energy I experienced some changes that have rerouted my life, giving me greater understanding, and purpose, specifically with women. Finding myself increasingly aware of, and empathetic to their emotions, instinctively knowing how each individual found themselves at whatever place they were in their lives. I can read their emotional state, I can see the pain they carry hat they may not even be consciously aware of. I began to instinctively guide them through the turmoil and help energetically release any trapped trauma that I was finding. I was told through shamanic ceremonies by my guides that women would be sent to me, and with a pattern of different women appearing, who I felt I knew, I began to see the trend.

As I mentioned in the previous article, I knew already that I have possibly undertaken a lot of work in previous lives to find myself at this point. This life feels like Life Number 1, a new beginning, after a long time of training and choosing to get lost, to learn and gather more experience of humanity, right now feels like the beginning of my work that I will carry on through future lifetimes. I’m plugged in now, I’m reconnected to my Light Family, and bit by bit more is being revealed, as and when I am ready.

The Mother Goddess talked to me of specific women on the planet known as Queens.

Over that weekend last year I was initiated by our Mother Goddess, as an Honorary Woman as it were. I was shown, felt, became immersed in the burden of womankind, the generations of abuse and torture, of being playthings and trophies, heretics, witches and slaves. This was something I felt to my core, and understood in ways that as a human we don’t have senses or vocabulary to explain. I considered my likely role as a male in this and felt to my core my remorse. I heard the moans of passion and abuse. I observed and felt the oppression of women today, even in the West, as second class citizens, judged on image and weight, success or lack of, harshly by men and other women, collectively by the media and social groups. I felt how exhausting this must be! As a man I was aware of some of this, but had never felt it to such a great dept. I was shown the range of emotions a woman experiences, compared to how uncomplicated in comparison men are. I understood how lifetimes of sexual and physical torture and abuse was still recorded in the DNA and psyche of womankind, how women learned to survive in these worlds gone by and now found themselves in the modern West, far safer than ever before, but not free. I don’t mean “not free” by how they are judged and treated differently, I mean “not free” of their own trauma they have arrived here carrying from previous lives and the trauma of their sisters. What I was seeing was on deeper levels, we are all still haunted by ghosts of lives gone by, memories that follow us around.

[pullquote align=”right”] My role is to honour Queens.

During the ceremony, in the non physical world, I was a guest taken into a divine feminine sacred space. I knew instinctively few men where taken there and shown what I was shown. I felt humbled, and honored. I worried that I would let our Mother Goddess and womankind down. I am still a man, with lusts and greed and ego. I am human, if only partly. These beings understood that, they were compassionate, and reassured me that I had not just arrived there as a result of this lifetime, but that I have been working towards this work for a long time, so I am far more capable than I am aware. But challenges will arise and I will make mistakes and learn from them, this is part of the journey.

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I knew throughout this that I was being shown these lessons to further my work, but now realising my work would focus on women, but I was not sure what that would entail. This is an inside journey, of rising up and facing ones deep dark memories and breaking free from them. As women rise up, society, mankind will evolve and change in response. So this change will not happen to or for womankind. Womankind will drive it.

I am a Queenmaker

The Mother Goddess talked to me of specific women on the planet known as Queens. That I would work with them to help to raise these Queens out of their trauma and lower chakras. In a later communication mother told me that these Queens are hybrids, a small part human, but mostly from other star systems such as the Pleiades, that they are “primed” for their work here. I do know they will share the light and that they do not need to study or train. They just need to wake up, and that’s where I come in.

I am a Queen Maker. My role is to honour the Queens but also all women I work with. To nurture and protect them, to love them and guide them when needed, to champion their emergence and spirit. I can see their potential, their pain, and vulnerability often when they cannot. In this role there is no manipulation or abuse. I can intuitively see through the patterns women can use to protect themselves, or more likely, protect their ego. When we are challenged and become uncomfortable, the ego seeks reasons to return to its safe sanctuary. I knew that the women I work with would also face these challenges and find ways to dismiss me and my work with them. Some flirt, some play the role of the little girl, others just cut off contact and use silent treatment. And some dive deep into their intellect, dragging up any references or quotes or research they can find to point out why I am wrong. From some I have faced a barrage of debate, often I didn’t bother to read for the information was merely a defense of the ego and was in no way connected to the heart or spirit. For those who managed to surrender to this new path, new experiences, face the challenges, and surrender to my lead, they changed fast, and healed quickly, their lives and purpose unfolding too to varying degrees. The measure of change was relative to the degree of surrender. Those who never let go, never changed, those who let go a little changed a little, and those who threw themselves into a new way, were nurtured and fed by their spirit in whatever was required at this time on their journey. I am like a representative of the divine feminine here on earth, I bring the chosen women to this space to work, but I also have my own gifts and insights and healing to add. I began to feel the pain and suffering that each of the women released. I was on their journey too, as well as my own. Thankfully this has eased and I am less entangled with the energetic release of others as times goes on.

I shine my light so others can steer themselves away from the rocks

I learned also that not all are ready to work, I may only be the messenger. If they are prepared to begin, I can see their emotional state and I begin to guide them. Very quickly their ego may not like what it hears, and they begin looking for an escape. So all I can do is try to be gentle and say what I see, pass on what I am given and then it’s out of my hands.

During the ceremony Mother described me as a lighthouse, I shine my light so others can steer themselves away from the rocks. So I don’t change or direct, I give my perspective or experience and perhaps guidance and then the course of action is up to the woman I am working with.

This use of the term Queen is not how we use it today. The use of the term here is that of advanced spiritual women, highly educated in the works of the spirit, also of royal bloodlines, initiates of mystery schools, perhaps from earth or elsewhere, I don’t know.

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I see this resurgence of the divine feminine and a greater balance of women in the world, not as a platform to attack men in any way. This is a responsibility of women, to take action and address their internal struggle, so I would like to distance myself from modern feminism. The work I do is taking a woman on an internal journey, not about marching in the streets or making demands on others. Every protester is really fighting an inside battle against their own ego and pain, to be still and venture inward is the hardest challenge.

Prior to this weekend I had no knowledge of Kings or Queens as spiritual beings here. As I later found out that these Queens are indeed a royal bloodline, a lineage from the star systems. I had to sit down when I heard the video below, it registered deeply with me and my experience. From five minutes onward.

I knew I had been working towards this role, I knew on some level in prior ceremonies that I had important work here. In previous ceremonies I had been shown dark demonic energies that I purged, violent, aggressive, I was made aware of the aggressive energy of my previous actions before this lifetime.

[pullquote] We are gathering now.

To be of profound purpose to others, in this case the women of the world, I must deeply know and appreciate their pain and burden, and in this case to truly feel that, I was shown the burden and weight of being a woman, along with my own role and mankind’s role, in creating much of this suffering and pressure.

I considered the damage I have done, to how many women I do not know. But I consider how that abuse would have been passed down through family lines, affecting the genetics and DNA, the confidence and dysfunction of daughter after daughter. Of the sons who were raised by these abused women, how these sons grew into men perhaps confused and disjointed themselves as a result of their mothers pain.

The butterfly that beats its wings can indeed send a tornado raging.

I consider this very important work, and I take it very seriously. As women began to enter my life and approach me I began to work with them, I was learning my trade. I could bump into someone, conversation would start and soon we would feel a connection between us. Very quickly I began to become aware of this around different women, in a supermarket, in a library, an image of a woman online. Not every woman, but some there was obviously a resonance with. Not all are Queens, but I’m aware quickly and sometimes they are aware that they need to work with me, as one woman said “I felt you had a message for me”. This development has all been intuitive, coupled with guidance from our Mother Goddess who I contacted in deeper meditation with questions about my work, and about the women I worked with.

I don’t claim to “understand woman”. I am not a woman, I do not try to be. I am a man who has been granted some gifts, some understanding in order to help those who are ready, to move beyond their old trauma. But I am honored to have this responsibility and to be of service to those who require my work.

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I am aware that there is much more work for me to do in this area. I can only reach so many people day to do working one on one through this site. There is a need to write on sex, the passion and fun of it, and the intimacy, from a higher level, to try to raise both sexes out of the base tackiness of society today. There is also need for a book to collate much more information than I can put into this short article. And public speaking, to share some of this work and message to groups who are becoming ready to hear where we are headed, to sow these seeds of the New World, of New Women and the challenges for men to become New Men. My understanding is that my role is to raise the Queens sent to me. If there are other Kings doing this work I do not know. Then the Queens raise the Kings and other men out of their lower vibrations.

All of us, men and women carry trauma from this life or past lives. We can live unaffected by it for a long time, until it’s time, to be free of another layer, and live somewhat or a lot lighter. The world is changing and many of us feel that pull to be free. You know when you are ready for this work, you feel it, and you know when you need to take this step. You need to go further, there is something at you, you can feel it in your gut, you need to step into the unknown and see what there is to explore of who you really are. You know on some level there is identification, there is resonance, there is knowing.

We are gathering now, and working together to free each other and rise up with the waves of higher energy hitting our planet, this, New World.

 To read more about what this work entails please click this link. 

1 Comment

  1. ria

    I am so glad that you are here.
    With much love,

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