How I became an Energy healer

For those who have been reading my newsletters and articles and watching my videos for the past year or so, you’ll be aware that my life has taken an unexpected turn. I’ve always been deeply spiritual, I’ve known I want and need to communicate, but I’ve never really thought as myself as an energy healer, I still don’t. I was told in my very first ayahuasca ceremony by Mother Ayahuasca that I am a Light Worker. I did have a slight interest but didn’t know where to start or really if it was just me looking for something to identify myself with. Well in a sense, healing found me.

As a result of last years ceremonies, my own ongoing meditation, and my use of Psilosybin (which I intend to discuss in detail soon) for meditations and channeling I have found myself practising as a healer of various sorts. I’m not particularly comfortable with that term, but it conveys what I need to say without having a long debate on what occurs. Ultimately I understand I am a teacher, I am here to teach and guide, but healing is an ability I now find myself with. I don’t see this as my life’s work, I see it as a stepping stone along this unfolding.

I think you were sent to me to take me to the next level but I doubt I could have worked with you until I had unplugged from the matrix. – Ria

In a recent ceremony near the end of last year I was told in communication with perhaps my Higher Self, that I am an Intuit and that I can heal with my hands, when I asked “How?”, I was told “You’ll know”. About an hour later I felt moved to stand and stretch my arms out in front, I had blinders on my eyes, but could see clearly my arms and hands as if my eyes were open, I saw an electric pulse run around my hands, and knew then that I had the ability to heal.

[pullquote align=”right”] I know intuitively where the deep water is

My practice so far seems to be totally related to the emotional state of the person I am working on. There’s no easy ride in this life and I’m very aware that my own message, in coming through the struggles I have encountered in this and previous lives, is to coach people through their own challenges, not to simply set them down peacefully on the other side of the river. They must cross, but I will be with them as their guide, I know intuitively where the deep water is and when their fear is misguiding them.

Regarding those seeking physical healing who I’ve worked on, I quickly became aware of their emotional state and potential blocks. I was able to shift the emotions trapped in their body causing the pain, but informed them that they may be unstable in the following days. Not everyone is willing to work this way. These days most of us want instant relief, pay the money, take the pill. No in between, no fallout, no personal work necessary. That’s not the way I work.

Depending on the individual, their Higher Self decides what is paramount to be worked on. So if your back is sore and you seek relief, your Higher Self may suggest you address the resentment at your neighbour, that may be the key, but this work often creates an energetic change, a space for the person to be ready to take that step. Or, a great shift of that stuck energy may occur, and you may have to pay the toll in the coming days or weeks, facing and releasing the emotional turmoil whatever it may be, sadness, grief or anger that has been unprocessed and repressed for some time.

I felt that you are a master and have a message for me. I think a lot of what you said feels very applicable to me at this moment in time, I think I felt a shift. I’m generally feeling better/more confident. – Aisha

[pullquote align] We just begin, and guidance occurs

Also people have found me that are just ready to work, energetically, they are ready to take a further step. We may not know what that is, we just begin, and guidance occurs. I was told in about April of last year after a ceremony that I will work with people, I am a master,  people will come to me, they will find me. Do I believe this? I’m not sure. I feel I’m doing what I’m told, I’m taking steps in the direction where feels right, and I’ll see what happens, and so far the results have been wonderful. And as I’ll discuss more in the coming days on my Divine Feminine work, women were indeed finding me, or entering my life. In most cases when we begin work, I know these people, they are deeply familiar to me, I remember them. But I have to control this a little, because they don’t really remember me at all, yet, perhaps they will in time.

I try not to sell what I do. In some cases I have gone out of my way to inform people how I work and really push the importance of your gut, your resonance with me. If you feel nothing, or that I’m just another new age clown, this really is not for you, save your cash and time. If you feel in your gut that I may have something for you, there may be some exploration and growth in our work be it physical, emotional or spiritual, take that leap I say, dive into the unknown, let’s explore, let’s get lost, let’s find our way out.

So if any of that grabs you, have a look at my Energy Healing page at the top, have a look at the other work I do and the testimonials, and in the coming days there will be further articles and a couple of videos discussing this work in more detail.

Newsletter subscribers are offered two sessions for the price of one so sign up below!

*Offer ends Feb 28th 2017. One offer per subscriber*
