Your session can be used for Energy Healing or Guidance and Shadow Integration

In October 2016 I was told in a shamanic ceremony that I am a lighthouse, “you shine your light, so others can steer themselves away from the rocks”. I have been listening to people all my life and often intuitively can see where they are, and guide them or more accurately, help them to find what is right for them. My role is not to direct people, but more to give my own experience (shine my light), which allows others to gain the insight to steer their own course (steer themselves away from the rocks).

These days I spend a lot of time on calls helping ground people into their own inner guidance.

These calls suit people who may feel lost and need some grounding and insights along their path, but also for those who have done the Homecoming Shadow Integration Course and want to reconnect to keep them on track.

I specialize in Energy Healing, Shadow Integration and Non Duality. Generally the people who come to me have very overactive minds. Over thinking, over analysis, constantly searching for yet more information to try to heal.

I come at this from a different perspective, we are not here to learn anything or gain yet more information. By the time you discover me you already have enough information, your work now is embodiment. Being, feeling, experiencing, and to end the search. To explore and allow You, rather than try to escape You.

More and more I work with coaching people on Non Duality. Integrating the shadow is a stepping stone to Oneness. There is no other, there is nothing to avoid, escape or heal. Non Duality allows us the experience of Wholeness. No mind.

Gavin’s presence can be felt through a remote healing, his kind and caring nature eases the ego as he guides you into the heart space, connecting you to your true feminine nature. I feel like I’m cleansing from all the past men and lack of love and disrespect I’ve felt. I have felt a lot more content recently – Catherine (Ireland) Energy Healing

The cost is $100 USD per session which includes a one hour recorded Zoom video call (you will receive a link to download the session afterwards), and also access to one Sunday Group Satsang session.
