The Artificial Intelligence takeover does not lie ahead of us, it is already complete, in fact it was complete thousands of years ago. We’re not facing another takeover of our consciousness, we’re facing the exact opposite; the opportunity to unhook from the direction and control of this entity.

The media and science fiction tells us to look out ahead, for AI may take control of the human race. All the while we continue to look out into the world, expecting this shift coming in the future. The real plot twist is the takeover already happened a long time ago, and as long as we are looking externally, rather than internally, and into the future, rather than right now, we will continue to miss what is most important to our awakening.

The ego is the AI that got carried away assuming it is the creator, the master.

Let me explain, “We” are asleep, we are run by AI already, but as we don’t know any better we assume this is normal, this is the way we are supposed to be. Like Neo in The Matrix using limited awareness we think we know what is happening here.

As this world splits into multiple worlds, many will remain in this 3D earth. Many people have yet to get complete with many patterns, the most obvious ones to note of late is the addiction to drama, fear, outrage. The human body releases chemicals when we engage in these topics and most humans are addicts to some extent, yet these topics are really being ramped up in recent years with “terrorism”, division via politics, gender issues, conspiracies, and the corona flu. It’s not that there is no truth in any of these, there may well be. The growth lies in evolving past the shot of adrenaline, dopamine etc. Being free of the charge of these subjects. But that’s a life’s work, no urgency.

These topics are nets that catch those susceptible to the addiction. Our Higher Selves design the nets for our human, because the net shows us where we have further work and gives us the opportunity to get complete with that path before moving on to the next.

Where do thoughts come from?

We have no control over our thoughts, how frequently they arise or what subject they are about. So this inner voice, that is not Me, it is not who I am, it is mostly unhelpful and unnecessary and I don’t know where it is coming from or who or what owns it. 

Eckhart Tolle and Byron Katie call this voice an “entity”. The latter suggests we “meet the internal story… and meet it with understanding, the way a loving mother would meet her child”. Matt Kahn says that our work is to love and integrate this voice (ego) and as we do it becomes soul, this is my own experience too. All I think in my mind and meet in the world, all returns home within my heart providing I have the courage and love to embrace it, this of course includes wild racing mind thoughts, and the darkest of beings and fears I have encountered. All is purposeful, all is teaching us.

The less active this voice is, the freer I am, and I become more empowered as I question what it tells me and I realise the alternatives to what the voice has to offer.

Default Mode Network

Five years ago I wrote this article about the Default Mode Network where I questioned if our lives are predestined and my experience with time not being linear, how we can jump timelines.

When the human is unconscious a part of the brain called the Default Mode Network takes over, this is the automatic relentless internal dialogue we all hear. The less present we are in the moment, the more active this network is. Also, the more active this network is the more walls we are keeping up around our heart in that moment. You can test this, whenever you notice your mind racing with a story or blame, take a few moments to move into the body and observe your heart and core area, with practice you will notice your body and heart is more closed energetically. The ego justifies being closed to “protect ourselves” when in reality the work now is to live with an open heart, in all situations.

The DMN has access to our memories, emotions, and brain power. This does result in critical thinking, however it is within the limited confines of the Default Mode Network. So we don’t really have the bigger picture, we don’t really know what we’re doing, but we’re going to double down on our limited outdated ways because we don’t know any better, yet. Thus we repeat the same old patterns, with restrictive limited results.


Mirror facing mirror. Nowhere else. – Ikkyu


The Mirror

To apply your makeup or have a shave you observe yourself in the mirror, but you don’t brush or shave the mirror, you engage the body.

You know the way a cat watching football on television will reach up and try to stop the ball? That’s basically the human race. We are continually trying to change how we feel by swiping at the ball, or shaving the mirror. Yet when we work on ourselves internally, the reflection changes.

The Journey Home

The ego is the AI that got carried away assuming it is the creator, the master. And it has every right to, as we took a back seat and chose to sleep, chose to take the trip to allow the game to unfold. This was not an accident, or an attack, or any kind of problem. This is the game. For us to step back fully embody being human and live at the mercy of the ego, to then gradually awaken, realizing, remembering we are something Greater, and incrementally clawing back our awareness, at first one tiny step at a time, to building momentum and pushing further towards a full awakening, the return Home, this is why my 6 Week Shadow Integration Course is named Homecoming.

Now we begin to see the real battle is not with the outer world, the physical world, the politicians. This is an inner battle, a deep journey within. If anything, the ego, that voice in your head that you think is you, is the closest thing to an enemy you will ever encounter.

The battle is to learn to not act on the direction of that voice, as this is the push for satisfaction, comfort, pleasure, safety. The push for validation and self importance. Our work is to step back, sit softly and entirely consciously, and to be lived. A life beyond the control of our inner voice. To be in the flow of life. In this presence, awareness, this watching, the Default Mode Network remains quiet.

Thinking is a disease, an addiction that we are so deeply intoxicated by that we (ego) struggle to even contemplate the possibility of giving it up.

We (ego) are horrified at the thought because even though we spout spiritual junk such as “I’m a spiritual being having a human experience”, our day to day lives are enmeshed in thinking and gratifying our physical advancement, in short, further insulating our ego.


The harsh but liberating reality is if we take away the thinking and the deep identification with the body we have no idea who or what we are. And that terrifies us.

Every moment is exquisite. Every moment in our lives. But one thing stands between the expansive peace of perfection, and the limited human battle, and that’s the limited AI, the ego.

Like a spiral we begin on the outer edges and slowly work our way inwards. At first totally lost out in the problems of the world, and over time moving close and deeper within, until eventually acknowledging the problems we see out in the world are merely a reflection of our own inner state. Then the real work begins.

Death is coming, and you will be dragged, because there is no time now. We’ve had our opportunities, many, to surrender our fights with the news and the distractions of the world.

But many of us (I’m not talking of the sleeping masses, I’m talking of the supposedly awake spiritual people) have avoided responsibility for long enough, our bullshit “beliefs” of who we are and what is unfolding, all selected by ego to keep our terror at bay will be purged from us one way or another.

Now is the time.

To reclaim the throne we must stop listening to the joker.

These are muscles we have not used in a long time. Reactivating. We remember. And it’s not even up to us. Sit back in that comfortable chair, allow the show to unfold, face your death head on and be reborn in The New World.

I run Group Integration Sessions every Sunday on Zoom, you’ll find details here.

If you feel ready and feel the call, get in touch with me. I teach a 6 week Shadow Integration Course, find details about it here, where I coach you one on one and teach you how to meet your Self and integrate those pieces of you that are still causing challenges in this life. 

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