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Tag: Divine Feminine

The Golden Temple

The Golden Temple

Four years ago during a medicine ceremony I journeyed over two nights through many different experiences as womankind, living and feeling all the pains and pressures, the violence and ways of survival, through many ages.

At the time I did not fully know why I was taken on that journey, but in the months that followed what began to unfold was the work I do today. I was tuned to work with women, with the feminine, to be able to read and guide women. That’s not to say in this like I am a woman, nor that I fully understand, but I follow my guidance with those I work with. The work naturally developed to include men too over time. In the following years I have had journeys around the feminine but not often with Mother.

What would be born from a Golden Temple (womb), but only a Golden Race.

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Be The Snake

Snakes have been presented to me regularly as teachers and often as the Divine Mother. The snake has been an ancient symbol which has been used for thousands of years and there are many interpretations of its meaning, the most common being representing rebirth by shedding its skin, also rising kundalini energy and the third eye on Tutankhamun’s forehead. But I suggest not looking “out there” for what she means to other people, but within, to what she means to you. 

Ingest all, process all, digest all, transmute all

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The Gift of a Monthly Cycle

The Gift of a Monthly Cycle

With International Women’s Day upon us, I felt moved to say a few words about periods.

This may read a bit clunky, after-all I am a man. I don’t have to suffer the struggle of a monthly cycle, the range of emotion from passion to frustration to despair, the physical pulls for perhaps food or wild sex, or simply touch, and on to exhaustion.

I regularly encounter women who are embarrassed by their period, there is shame attached. Naturally around this time you may feel emotional and more sensitive, but you can work here in this place. You meet your shadow each month. The shadow is not separate to your cycle, they are one and the same.

She is fully alive and flowing, sensitive and sensual.

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Shift To Now

Shift To Now

I’ve had some pretty large shifts over the past few days.

Taking stock of where I am. Some very purposeful work with a friend of mine moving me further into my own surrender, some upcoming medicine work and a check in with a guide regarding taking my own practice and the work I offer to others a good deal further.

I also gave a talk to a small audience about my journey through “losing it all”, and ending up living in my car. This has been a great journey of finding deeper self awareness through this path. I would not do anything differently. 

I am God, each moment is absolutely loaded with potential for expansion. There is nothing to understand, there is nothing you need to manifest or change. 

I am God, each moment is absolutely loaded with potential for expansion.

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Receiving My Crown

A couple weeks back I wrote an Instagram post on receiving my sword in a holotropic breathwork session. Today’s post covers a trip to Dowth, a sacred site in Ireland, where a couple years ago I received my crown in an initiation. Dowth, and more famously Newgrange are Irish sites older than the Egyptian pyramids and Stonehenge. Dowth is a collapsed cairn or tomb, in an area of Ireland where there are many of these sites, some really overrun with tourism. But Dowth is often quiet, not many people go there, you can drive up a narrow country road, pull in to the side and simply walk into the field and walk around.

Myself and a friend had been visiting a few of these sites regularly when guided to. Dowth to us had been revealed as the home of what we termed as Dark Mother, the shadow of Mother, the frustrated, manipulated, manipulative, abandoned, undesired, unfulfilled side of the feminine.

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For Women – My Role As Queen Maker

for women – my role as queen maker

Late last year during a weekend workshop exploring feminine energy I experienced some changes that have rerouted my life, giving me greater understanding, and purpose, specifically with women. Finding myself increasingly aware of, and empathetic to their emotions, instinctively knowing how each individual found themselves at whatever place they were in their lives. I can read their emotional state, I can see the pain they carry hat they may not even be consciously aware of. I began to instinctively guide them through the turmoil and help energetically release any trapped trauma that I was finding. I was told through shamanic ceremonies by my guides that women would be sent to me, and with a pattern of different women appearing, who I felt I knew, I began to see the trend.

As I mentioned in the previous article, I knew already that I have possibly undertaken a lot of work in previous lives to find myself at this point. This life feels like Life Number 1, a new beginning, after a long time of training and choosing to get lost, to learn and gather more experience of humanity, right now feels like the beginning of my work that I will carry on through future lifetimes. I’m plugged in now, I’m reconnected to my Light Family, and bit by bit more is being revealed, as and when I am ready.

The Mother Goddess talked to me of specific women on the planet known as Queens.

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