Freedom | Expansion | Evolution

Tag: Yoga (Page 1 of 3)

The AI Takeover Is Complete

The Artificial Intelligence takeover does not lie ahead of us, it is already complete, in fact it was complete thousands of years ago. We’re not facing another takeover of our consciousness, we’re facing the exact opposite; the opportunity to unhook from the direction and control of this entity.

The media and science fiction tells us to look out ahead, for AI may take control of the human race. All the while we continue to look out into the world, expecting this shift coming in the future. The real plot twist is the takeover already happened a long time ago, and as long as we are looking externally, rather than internally, and into the future, rather than right now, we will continue to miss what is most important to our awakening.

The ego is the AI that got carried away assuming it is the creator, the master.

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Be The Snake

Snakes have been presented to me regularly as teachers and often as the Divine Mother. The snake has been an ancient symbol which has been used for thousands of years and there are many interpretations of its meaning, the most common being representing rebirth by shedding its skin, also rising kundalini energy and the third eye on Tutankhamun’s forehead. But I suggest not looking “out there” for what she means to other people, but within, to what she means to you. 

Ingest all, process all, digest all, transmute all

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The Gift of a Monthly Cycle

The Gift of a Monthly Cycle

With International Women’s Day upon us, I felt moved to say a few words about periods.

This may read a bit clunky, after-all I am a man. I don’t have to suffer the struggle of a monthly cycle, the range of emotion from passion to frustration to despair, the physical pulls for perhaps food or wild sex, or simply touch, and on to exhaustion.

I regularly encounter women who are embarrassed by their period, there is shame attached. Naturally around this time you may feel emotional and more sensitive, but you can work here in this place. You meet your shadow each month. The shadow is not separate to your cycle, they are one and the same.

She is fully alive and flowing, sensitive and sensual.

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Receiving My Crown

A couple weeks back I wrote an Instagram post on receiving my sword in a holotropic breathwork session. Today’s post covers a trip to Dowth, a sacred site in Ireland, where a couple years ago I received my crown in an initiation. Dowth, and more famously Newgrange are Irish sites older than the Egyptian pyramids and Stonehenge. Dowth is a collapsed cairn or tomb, in an area of Ireland where there are many of these sites, some really overrun with tourism. But Dowth is often quiet, not many people go there, you can drive up a narrow country road, pull in to the side and simply walk into the field and walk around.

Myself and a friend had been visiting a few of these sites regularly when guided to. Dowth to us had been revealed as the home of what we termed as Dark Mother, the shadow of Mother, the frustrated, manipulated, manipulative, abandoned, undesired, unfulfilled side of the feminine.

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The Two Worlds of Energy

The two worlds: the Inner World and the Outer World

We have experienced periods in this life and previously when we felt more connected to the earth, to nature, and to ourselves, to our instinct, our spirit, in tune with life, in the flow. This is the beauty of being in tune with the Inner World, not lost in it imagining light bubbles and chakras, but in harmony.

Our lives in the modern world especially are so busy, and so full of distractions that it’s understandable that we can get sucked into the Outer World, the physical plane, and think that our experience represents who we are.

Your vision will become clear only when you look into your heart. Who looks outside dreams, who looks inside awakens. – Carl Jung

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The Equinox & Anubis

The equinox & Anubis


It’s the spring equinox, and later this evening the full moon peaks.

Earlier I felt I needed to be still. I sat in the dark, as I do often, and observed within.

I became aware of fierce tension in my upper back and neck.

I stayed present with it and allowed it to lock with tightness. I witnessed it, the tension, the energy, the frequency as being. I welcomed it and assured it I was not going anywhere. I would stay there forever in that state, I had no place to go. This raging frequency within me was and is my priority.

I invited it to live within my heart and assured it that we were one.

Out of the chaos came the light. Out of the will came life. – The Egyptian Book of the Dead

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Why Breathe?

Twelve years ago I was in a Ramtha retreat high in the Italian mountains, far away from anywhere. After a focus exercise, I stopped breathing for what felt like minutes. I mean three or four minutes. My body didn’t breathe, I had no need to breathe. I didn’t plan or intend this, my mind was elsewhere until I realised my body was no longer breathing, so I lay there and observed the stillness, until the breath began again.

If you’re invested in security and certainty, you are on the wrong planet.
    — Pema Chödrön

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Heaven On Earth

Heaven on earth

How do we get to a higher human experience? How about a higher relationship with a mate truly on our level? Or a career that is totally purposeful and fulfilling? Or sex that is passionate and free of any hangups or insecurities, shame or guilt? To feel free around others, without social pressure, to be at ease? How do we work towards heaven on earth?

A person hears only what they understand. – Goethe

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When There’s No Place Left To Go, We Go Home

When There’s No Place Left To Go, We Go Home

I think our journey, certainly as human beings, consists of two overall stages, the journey away from ourselves, to expand, to play, to grow and be tested. And then a second stage, the journey back home, to return to ourselves. Both stages I imagine can take many many lifetimes.

Freedom meant one thing to him – home. But they wouldn’t let him go home.

Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

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Solar Eclipse – A Commitment To Liberation

Solar Eclipse – A Commitment To Liberation

There’s plenty of articles and videos online right now about the Solar Eclipse due in a few days. And there are far more qualified people than I to explain what will occur, and perhaps what it all means. So I won’t take you down that path.

I will just point out that during some of these larger solar or astrological changes I have noticed myself to be under a little or a lot more pressure. Often with these changes we think of energy upgrades and downloads of new information and abilities. The internet points out all the glowing ascension stuff with lots of fluffy terminology. That’s all well and good and may well be the case. But often, not always, these shifts can knock us for a few days. My own experience is that most of my own upgrades have come at a price, after challenging dark ceremonies or periods of recovery, I managed to crawl out of the woods a little wiser or lighter than before.

Dreaming and visualisation is wonderful, but action is what changes your world.

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