Heaven on earth

How do we get to a higher human experience? How about a higher relationship with a mate truly on our level? Or a career that is totally purposeful and fulfilling? Or sex that is passionate and free of any hangups or insecurities, shame or guilt? To feel free around others, without social pressure, to be at ease? How do we work towards heaven on earth?

A person hears only what they understand. – Goethe

In my mid teens I discovered meditation and various religions and philosophies. I delved into spirit as a means to escape the pain of the human experience. For years I chased the realms of higher dimensions, higher spiritual abilities and ultimately the idea of graduating past this physical world, all unsuccessfully. Today I view my life quite the opposite, right now, I have no desire to escape from here, but to experience more of this place, and enjoy as much of it as I can in my coming years and lifetimes.

Looking back, I was seeking escape, not integration. The pain of being human, all the trauma that we gather in our lives, coupled with the unresolved trauma we carry from our previous lives, and add the trauma we have inherited from our family line, “the sins of the father” as the bible states. This can be all overwhelming as many of us know. We can be so clouded and pressured that it’s hard to see clearly at times, who we are or what we’re doing here. No wonder we slip into addiction, self destruction and victim-hood.

The way out is in

Thus modern spirituality has found a great market for Escape. Books and videos and gurus that promise and direct people into higher states, “bliss consciousness”, manifestation of a rich and comfortable reality. The human rat race continues, these days under the umbrella of spirituality, in search of comfort, safety, ego. Spirituality is as much an escape for many as consumerism and fame.

But what if, what if we are truly Gods? Why should we fear poverty, why fear loneliness, why fear the volatility of life? What if we can become so open, so flexible, so loving and so fearless that whatever life presents to us we are in such an empowered state, or at least hold the tools, that we can face every challenge head on, fearlessly, absorb the lesson and evolve to the next higher experience? We all feel fear, it’s very natural, the question is, how do we respond to it.

So we can dive into the escapism of comfortable spirituality, or some of us just try to hold on until a great energetic shift happens, I was one, until we are all blasted into the 5th dimension, freed from our woes. Perhaps it sounds quite frightening to be that weak, that powerless, barely living, at the mercy of our reality, hoping some energetic savior grants us peace. That’s not for me. I’ll take whatever energetic shift is coming down the road, but I seek the warrior within me, the King within me, and the King or Queen within you, the being that is powerful and fearless, who can face whatever life throws up with grace and humility and diligently work through that lesson, banking the wisdom, experience and strength to take me further along the path. My goal is not to be ascended or enlightened, my goal is to fully integrate my time in this body, in this physical plane as I continue along this path. Not to leave the physical, but to bring spirit to the physical. The fun of chess is not to complete the game, but to bring our higher awareness, our insights, intuition and growing experience to the game, and savor that fun, that satisfaction. We have come to a physical plane, to experience the union of the heavens and the earth.

I can say this as a guy who has lived in my car for two years, two harsh winters in Ireland. On this journey I’ve had days where I didn’t know whether to put diesel in the car to keep it running or buy food, nights where I have been awake at 3am with the cold, unable to get back to sleep, and days where I really wondered if I would manage to stay alive much longer, between my lack of money, my deteriorating health or my struggling state of mind. Thankfully those days are behind me. But of course who knows what lies ahead. If those challenges are ever presented again, I know now that my circumstances do not identify me, they are not who I am. I am far greater. I have learned great lessons from this experience and I would do it all again if I had to. I feel I am only beginning to realise the importance of these two years, molding me, breaking my shell of safety and ego, and setting me free.  When I entered the car carrying all my shame and pain, I began a journey of working through it, making peace within my own heart, and my continuing work is to conquer that, integrate all of who I am, shadow and light, and own this game. This in turn is what I teach to others. We can view our lives from a place of power, or a place of victim, we have that choice.


Lets take some examples of how perception can give us a helping hand:

  • Maybe you find yourself in unfulfilling jobs, low wages, challenging coworkers. You’ve moved from job to job but have known you are here for greater things yet can’t seem to move past this stage. How about getting to the point that you can consciously work through this difficult experience, see it for the lesson it is, read the language of this challenging experience, see why you are there, take the lessons, own the entire experience, and thus evolve past it into more fulfilling positions.


  • Maybe your relationships have been rocky, difficult partners who lie to you or treat you badly, again and again. Perhaps you’ve been single a while now as a result. Deep down you would like a relationship, you would like companionship, but you don’t see how that is possible, so you’ve pushed this wish to the back of your mind and now focus on other priorities in your life. Contrast that with being ready to step into the relationship world, that means putting yourself out there, for love, for rejection, and ultimately to face the layers of perhaps shame, self rejection, old hurts that may be presented to you to heal, in order for you to enter a clearer energetic space, and meet men or women who see you, who can compliment you, who can further your growth.


One more.

  • Perhaps sex has been tricky for you, either you have had a very high sex drive, almost destructive, with an urgency, or almost none at all, it’s something you’ve forgotten about, moved on. Maybe your encounters in the past were unfulfilling, or purely physical without much dept or heart connection. Perhaps you were abused as a child or teen, or likely you carry with you, as many of us do, sexual trauma from previous lifetimes. Now imagine being at peace within your body, how you look, how you feel, with patience and respect, to observe your desire to have fun, to play, to explore a partner and yourself, free of trapped shame and guilt many of us don’t even realise we are carrying.


None are more hopelessly enslaved than those that believe they are free. – Goethe


These three examples are relevant to all of us to some degree or other. There is the victim, reactive, choosing safety, at the mercy of life, snowed under by intense confusing lessons. But depending on our perception we can choose to be the student, proactive, still in the same situations, certainly not granted any lucky magical transition, but ready and willing to work through these challenges, take responsibility, and on the other side begin to have fun in this human body. To get to enjoy the workplace, interactions with different people, friendships, to be purposeful in a working role, to add to that world rather than feel you must escape it. To open up to companionship, friendship, the fun of meeting others and revealing yourself, learning about other people. To explore and enjoy a deeper more fulfilling sex, a heart based sex. Not driven by urgent desire to escape bottled feelings, nor too shut down to share this play with another. Plenty of people have wild and seemingly wonderful sex yet their hearts are disconnected. But to be comfortable in our skin and free enough to reveal ourselves. Play in this innocence is the expansion of our hearts. We are all gods children exploring this reality. All is great, all has the potential for play and fun and growth.

So perception of our lives, as perception of this physical world can transform a homeless man into a king, or a lonely lost woman into a vibrant colourful free spirit.

Our growth and fulfillment comes through integrating the lessons our vibration reveals to us. This means I have drawn in all these challenges around me, it is my responsibility to read the language of the message in order to evolve past it. Evolution is not to sidestep these, to escape, but to study them, make peace with the vibrations within us and grow in wisdom and strength from that experience and move on into the world a greater being.

The Warrior

As we integrate more of our shadow, our darkness, we begin to become aware of our inner warrior. So all those dark encounters, once integrated, carry strength, wisdom, power, they are keys, they are tools we have earned and now own. We begin to get a sense of our greatness, that great well of power that lies within all of us. I refuse to live at the mercy of this world, more accurately to live at the mercy of my perception of this world, after all the world is fine, the problem lies within me. So those people lost in victim-hood or snowed under with their difficult lives, they are warriors in the making, they have chosen such mighty mountains to climb, honour them, they may feel like victims, but they are not, they are fighters, warriors and some day if we are lucky we might get to see them on the other side, and look back and remember the battle they faced to get to that new place of freedom.

I am now taking clients for my Homecoming Course For Women. This is a 6 week online course that includes daily meditations individually chosen for each person, 3 remote energy healing sessions and the exact steps I use daily in order to neutralise and care for my own pain as it arises. I am also in the process of building A School For Warrior Women. If any of this work interests you, be free to make contact with me or click this link to find out more.

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