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Tag: Consciousness (Page 4 of 4)

My Holotropic Breathwork Experience

My Holotropic Breathwork Experience

A few months back when I was screened to receive ayahuasca, I was asked if I had ever tried Holotropic Breathwork, I had not, I’d never heard of it before. I now know it is a practice for deep therapeutic work so not for everyone. I think when people exhaust the lighter means to feel good, perhaps addressing the more superficial causes, they may be forced to explore their trauma, or psyche and beyond into much deeper work, or remain in the struggle, stuck. Sometimes when the frustration and pain gets too much, we have little to lose, that’s when the real work begins.

My article is only to briefly mention my own experience. With some of these practises I feel it best to dive in and get the experience, rather than the intellect trying to decipher how and why it works. The mind can ruin what would otherwise be a great new journey. If you wish to know more of the details, here is a good primer Twelve Things You Should Know About Holotropic Breathwork.

So I’ll spare you the details of how it all works, just to say Holotropic Breathwork was created by psychiatrist Stan Groff in the 70’s. Groff carried out a lot of work with LSD treating patients. When LSD became illegal Groff went in search of natural ways to achieve similar results, the result is Holotropic Breathwork.

This night was planned by my guides and ancestors.

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Embrace Chaos

Embrace Chaos

We strive to be comfortable, we aim to make enough money to not have to work. Most of us plan holidays that allow us to do as little as possible and take it easy. We like routines, we take the same route to work, shop in the same shops, eat the same food, recycle the same comfortable clothes. We like to know how things will pan out, no shocks, no surprises, and most importantly, no chaos.

We are creatures of habit, yet habit bores us and we grow frustrated. So we begin to crave change. But change equals a degree of chaos.

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From Ayahuasca To YouTube

From Ayahuasca To YouTube Channel

First off, if you read my first ayahuasca post here, you’ll know I am a sober addict and alcoholic. So for 16 years I didn’t take any mind altering substance into my system. I never had any intention to. Ayahuasca is a calling, I heard the call. This may resonate with you, or sound like bollox, if you think the latter you’re probably better off not reading the rest of this short article, but you’ll miss out on the fascinating YouTube news (not really). Drinking ayahuasca is not something I did lightly or recommend to others. To fully understand why you’re better off to read my earlier article on this subject here, so I won’t repeat myself.

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On Meditation

On Meditation

As my meditation course is launching soon (now launched) I thought I’d write a brief post about the subject. Anything I don’t answer for you please feel free to send an email or put a question in the comments below.

I’ve been a regular user of meditation for about 23yrs and noticed from time to time as the perception and trend of meditation has changed. I have my own practices that just find me and I carry on with my own work. For a fuller picture of my own practices, experience and the course I recommend listening to the audio below.

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Homemade Fluoride-Free Toothpaste

homemade Fluoride Free toothpaste

I quit using toothpaste containing fluoride about 9 years ago but just continued buying expensive herbal fluoride-free toothpaste for the following years. I was just too lazy to have a go at making my own. About six months ago I finally tried, and its dead simple, takes very little time and works out far less expensive than the health store stuff.

Why Make It Yourself?
  • Coconut oil is antiseptic, kills bacteria in the mouth.
  • Bicarbonate of soda is also antiseptic and can be used to stop bleeding gums.
  • You know exactly what ingredients are in your toothpaste.
  • Best of all, no fluoride.

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Turn Off The News – Seek Wisdom Not Knowledge

Turn off the news – Seek Wisdom not knowledge

I see “news”, current affairs and politics as a distraction from our own inner guidance, I simply call it my gut instinct. Being led to conclusions rather than arriving at them in our own time by our own paths.

When I jump onto a “news” story, I sometimes lose myself. I follow the trail of reports, the outrage, the confusion, grief, anger, becoming exhausted, worn out, used, spat out by the media machine. Thankfully this occurs less and less these days as I gradually step back. All news sources have some sort of agenda, they’re not doing us a favour by reporting to us, they are directing our awareness, our emotions, our energy, even the people we like and agree with.

Knowledge comes from learning, wisdom comes from letting go of what we think we know. – Gerar Toye

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Do You Wish Others Would Wake Up?

Do You Wish Others Would Wake-Up?

Awakening is a term used more and more these days to indicate that many people in society are beginning to view the world differently, and, we like to think, live from a higher state of consciousness. I used it recently in my article observing the various sides of the flat earth movement, you can read the article here: The Great Awakening – Flat Earth.

Information that previously we may never have even been aware of, or perhaps not have considered relevant to us suddenly has an attraction. I’ve seen many people who previously never had any interest in meditation, or yoga, or anything that may broaden their mind to alternative ways of living or perceiving the world, in recent years they’ve began to explore various alternative medicines, healing therapies and begin to read the alternative media, switching off the television. They start to feel the struggle in the world, or more accurately to notice the struggle within themselves, to let go of their old persona, to evolve beyond career and relationships.

What we think we know at any given moment is just part of the unfolding. Continue reading



This is a follow on from my last post on Predestined Life and the Illusion of Time you can find in this link.

My own understanding of karma has evolved over the years, from some form of repercussion due to destructive behaviour, or a reward when it is constructive behaviour. The reason for a repercussion is not to punish, this is just a feedback mechanism. I no longer view karma as being as limited as this. I see it being tied into evolution in a great way. Thus the name of this site, my interest in evolution through many lifetimes really interests me. This is a long haul, amassing trauma through many births and deaths alone is heavy, but consider the unresolved natural disasters around us within these lives, the murders, crimes, despair and so on. The accumulative affect of these trying experiences can weigh heavy on us, when not resolved. So how I can try to curtail further trauma and suffering I often contemplate.

We are the car on the road…and the bird that shits on the windscreen.

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Predestined Life And The Illusion Of Time

predestined life and the illusion of time

Recently I have been contemplating the theory that our lives and decisions are predetermined. The idea that something, consciousness is steering my life. I don’t mean “I am being guided”. I mean choices are being presented in every moment, who or what is presenting these choices? Gary Weber, in a number of his talks discusses predestination in more detail, but points out in some tests the brain responds to a problem, before the problem is presented. This might explain how we “just knew…” someone was going to phone, or had that feeling, or intuition. It suggests that our brains are already milliseconds or seconds behind what is continuously unfolding in consciousness.

You can will what you want, you can’t will what you will. – Gary Weber

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Why I Love Conspiracy Theorists

Why I Love Conspiracy Theorists – The Mainstream Attack

Anything that ruffles the feathers of mainstream media and politicians I have to support. The days of monopoly corporate, or state sponsored news and propaganda are drawing to a close, I hope, perhaps that’s the reason there is panic from governments the world over to control the Internet, to reduce our access to alternative media. Mainstream media is about ratings for the empire and fame for reporters all facilitated by drama. It is important to realise, mainstream news is not news, the delivery chosen is not intended as news, it is intended as entertainment. There is more money in entertainment. The highs and lows of emotions, the release of chemicals in the brain has been described as an addiction that keeps us tuning in and distracts us from any effective solution or alternative.

We need a thinking questioning population.

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