Embrace Chaos

We strive to be comfortable, we aim to make enough money to not have to work. Most of us plan holidays that allow us to do as little as possible and take it easy. We like routines, we take the same route to work, shop in the same shops, eat the same food, recycle the same comfortable clothes. We like to know how things will pan out, no shocks, no surprises, and most importantly, no chaos.

We are creatures of habit, yet habit bores us and we grow frustrated. So we begin to crave change. But change equals a degree of chaos.

Chaos is part of life

All new growth requires the dismantling of the old order. At first observation autumn would look as if trees and plants were dying, yet nature changes constantly, shedding the old and blooming into new fresh life. As I get older I realise the greater the leap I wish to make, the greater the chaos I’m inviting. We have our dreams of what we would like to achieve, those things or experiences lacking in our lives. To get our hands on them however things must change, we must evolve, shed the old being that created what we have now and push into the new being that can spawn the new life. This is not a nice place to be. It’s uncomfortable, confusing, and unfamiliar.

We must enter no man’s land

Achieving great change in life I read once compares to crossing a river. I know I need to get to the other side, the new experience, so I wade into the water, its cold, I get a shock. I keep walking, the water rises up my legs and I feel the current. As I step forward I feel the current stronger pushing against me and I begin to worry how deep the water may get, how strong the current, what if I’m washed away? My attention is taken off the far bank of the river. I’m distracted by my fears and I begin to question if I can make it to the other side. It’s frustrating, I don’t want to turn back, remain in the life I feel I’ve outgrown, but that fear lies ahead. If I can muster the courage, to lose all, perhaps even my life as I know it, a whole new world may lie just feet away on the other side.

[pullquote align=”right”] “my life is falling apart”

I was using the phrase “my life is falling apart” lately, regularly. The reality is it is not falling apart, it is being rebuilt. The greater the perceived chaos and destruction, the greater the transformation on the other side. In time I might write a post on the changes that are occurring, believe me they ain’t pretty. When changes this great are presented, it can be difficult to not get caught up in the chaos, to fall for it, believe it, rather than remain centred and let the storm swirl around me.

Chaos is coming

So for those reading this who are experiencing great change too, know that chaos is coming, don’t fear it, try to not be surprised when it shows up, and know that it is part of the transition to a greater reality. Remember that the chaos does not indicate your present reality is getting worse, but dismantling to form the new better reality.

  • Hold on to whatever keeps you grounded, good friends.
  • Practises such as meditation in particular help me to step back and observe rather than get sucked in.
  • Try not to run from the pain and confusion, let it wash over you.
  • Try to not get sucked into the chaos and try to not grab hold of your old crumbling life.


It’s all transient. I’ll see you on the other side.


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