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Do You Wish Others Would Wake Up?

Do You Wish Others Would Wake-Up?

Awakening is a term used more and more these days to indicate that many people in society are beginning to view the world differently, and, we like to think, live from a higher state of consciousness. I used it recently in my article observing the various sides of the flat earth movement, you can read the article here: The Great Awakening – Flat Earth.

Information that previously we may never have even been aware of, or perhaps not have considered relevant to us suddenly has an attraction. I’ve seen many people who previously never had any interest in meditation, or yoga, or anything that may broaden their mind to alternative ways of living or perceiving the world, in recent years they’ve began to explore various alternative medicines, healing therapies and begin to read the alternative media, switching off the television. They start to feel the struggle in the world, or more accurately to notice the struggle within themselves, to let go of their old persona, to evolve beyond career and relationships.

What we think we know at any given moment is just part of the unfolding.

A human flaw I see within many, including myself, is the use of the term “awakening” in a judgemental manner.  We talk about this great awakening going on as if we are in the know, we are on the inside, others are on the outside “I hope they wake up, I hope they get it”. We assume we are the awakened ones, “When will people wake up?!”

We rise in moral superiority because we may have explored a new avenue, but also become frustrated with others that they have yet to realise this, now most obvious to us, reality. Relationships become strained, we may grow away from those around us, and the more things change, the more difficult it can be to find identification. The road gets narrower.

[pullquote align=”right”] The point is that we move beyond our old mindset.

This is a mix of arrogance and simply frustration, but it’s hardly spiritual, hardly enlightened, and proof the awakening is continuous. I do want to point out that I do not see this behaviour as “wrong” or “bad”, it is merely an experience that we will all grow out of at some point, the lucky ones never even pass through this phase, some, like myself, get stuck in it for quite a while, for a number of reasons I won’t bother going into here.

As the collective energy of this world rises, and the energy of our own spiritual centres ignite, our minds will open and activate and seek out new information and experiences. This may be anything such as changing career, or to understanding how the political world works, or does not work, or perhaps no longer wanting to know anything about the political world, to being more health conscious, wondering about consciousness, what the hell are we doing here? To contemplation of inter-dimensional travel, the potentials are endless. The point is that we grow, we move beyond our old mindset. This does not mean everyone else should think like us or arrive at our conclusions, if we are smart perhaps we’ll consider there are no conclusions, what we think we know at any given moment is just part of the unfolding. More will be revealed. This is an individual awakening, in our own time, in our own way. The specifics are not comparable to what others experience, but the confusion, frustration, insights and awareness however are. I’ll expand on this in a later post discussing my own awakening.

[pullquote align=left] Seek out those who are humble enough to know they may be wrong.

The more I explore the possibility of alternative realities, higher dimensions etc, the more I realise I have almost no idea what is occurring on this rock we call earth, and I am increasingly suspicious of anyone who is convinced they have the answers. The alternative media and spiritual world is full of self proclaimed experts. I seek out those, unlike myself, who are humble enough to know they may be wrong, that their theories will take twists and turns as new information is discovered. But of course most want to be the authority to massage their ego and sell their books, grow their audience. We know next to nothing, of course I have thoughts, opinions, ideas about why the world is changing, and where all this is going, but they are only theories, I know very little, and right now knowing very little I feel is the best place to be. Sometimes knowing, believing an idea and preaching it, defending it, only closes doors to new information. There are deeper layers to being “awake”, and they seem to unfold when we remain open, intent on further discovery.

So in my moments of weakness, when I wish someone would wake up I try to remember that not only are they on their own journey, but their journey is perfect, there is nothing wrong, they are blossoming in their own good time, as am I. From a place of respect perhaps we might learn something from each other. Life is tough, and at any given time we are as lost and confused as each other. The awakening continues.

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1 Comment

  1. Thomas

    Yes I’ve been dealing with similar thoughts myself about the process of awakening. Two things I would like to say:

    (1) as in Mystery Traditions such as Freemasonry, ascending the mountain of enlightenment is an individual process. You may dedicate yourself to the great work of guiding others but the actual ascension has to come from the self and no one else. Enlightenment is a personal labour and by no means can one coerce others to become enlightened. Again, in Freemasonry, the very first step into joining the fraternity is an open heart, a feeling that there is more out there than meets the eye. Many do not even have this amount of open mindedness and will thus never begin their journey up the mountain.

    (2) You could almost distinguish the varieties in consciousness of different human beings in terms of how much they think they know when they don’t know (negative knowledge), under what level and kind of mind control they are under (for example the vast majority still think money is real) and the degree to which they are flexible enough and not overly attached to the ego to realise that they may be wrong and that there may be more out there than what is presented to us daily by the media and our relationships.

    Personally the more I have researched the world in my own sedentary way, the more I have grappled with philosophy and thought, the more I have seen the myriad of explanations for things both scientific and political, the more I have come to realise how little tangible knowledge I have but what does remain after this self-critical process is rock solid.

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