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Why I Love Conspiracy Theorists

Why I Love Conspiracy Theorists – The Mainstream Attack

Anything that ruffles the feathers of mainstream media and politicians I have to support. The days of monopoly corporate, or state sponsored news and propaganda are drawing to a close, I hope, perhaps that’s the reason there is panic from governments the world over to control the Internet, to reduce our access to alternative media. Mainstream media is about ratings for the empire and fame for reporters all facilitated by drama. It is important to realise, mainstream news is not news, the delivery chosen is not intended as news, it is intended as entertainment. There is more money in entertainment. The highs and lows of emotions, the release of chemicals in the brain has been described as an addiction that keeps us tuning in and distracts us from any effective solution or alternative.

We need a thinking questioning population.

Consider the grooming, the training in Neuro-Linguistic Programming, the lighting, the trained portrayal of authority, the stern delivery, not to mention the overinflated egos. These techniques put together can and do make the most mediocre irrelevant story sound important. The twenty something on YouTube can rely on none of this, yet many have an eagerness to inform and source information that the international corporations never had.

Why I Love Conspiracy Theorists – They force me to ask questions

[pullquote align=”right”] I don’t care that the media lies, I care that mature men and women believe them.

Alternative media was born out of demand for more information, for depth rather than repetition. The pursuit of truth and detail I find admirable. To want to know more, to strive to critically asses with their own judgement is a quality to be celebrated. The reason we live in a world in the present state is because not enough people do this, so many blindly swallow the PR polished scripts of speech writers and low level hacks. We need more critical thinkers, unmoved by fashions and fads perpetuated by political and media campaigns. Why shouldn’t anyone out there with the desire and interest in a subject dive in, read and watch and search for any information they can find and share it with the rest of us? This very competition is killing off the old medium and raising the standard of the alternative media world.

These people may not be trained journalists but personally I don’t care who is trained or not, anyone with a desire and drive can be a journalist. The journalist can say what he likes, most do, it is the responsibility of the adult consuming the information to critically analyse the facts and seek details and evidence. I don’t care that the media lies, I care that mature men and women believe them rather than seeking more reliable alternatives.

Why I Love Conspiracy Theorists – Lizards, False flags and Vaccines

Notice the most unusual conspiracies are ridiculed by the media and politicians in the hope of dividing the brainwashed against those who ask questions. To be mocked and insulted by politicians and fools who believe them I assure you is not something I worry about. The aim of the mob ridiculing conspiracy theorists or any individual or minority group is to dominate, to show superiority and gain control over. Base animalistic power. The gatekeepers are threatened possibly by truth or possibly by the power of a thinking populace. That there are factual proven crimes being committed by governments and their minions the world over and most people don’t pay attention means the conspiracy theorists are really out there looking for an audience. That the brainwashed are even unaware of the most obvious stories, such as ‘Government Agencies’ found guilty in Martin Luther King’s assassination and the 5,200 Pentagon employees caught using child porn or ‘the U.S. government that sent thousands of firearms over an international border and directly into the hands of criminals’, outlines how misinformed the pubic are. Of course I don’t know what happened on 9/11 and my opinion is irrelevant in this post. But I will say with any massive news event my instinct these days is the greater the media campaign then the more reason I have to seek answers elsewhere. I can say I’m certainly not going to blindly believe the corporate media and some wheeled out politicians looking for a photo opportunity.

These conspiracy theorists of all ages, dotted around the world start off from a basement or bedroom, armed only with a perhaps a computer and some bad communication skills. But they are asking questions, this alone needs to be nurtured. We need a thinking questioning population. The early perhaps foolish questioning will wear off, and I believe we will see a more aware generation armed with critical thinking skills to ward off any charlatan seeking election, or peddling ‘news’. Critical thinking is honed, it’s learned, and it takes courage and awareness to earn. And of course along the way one makes mistakes, misjudgements, this is to be expected, we all have misjudged our local networks from time to time, thinking they were there to actually inform us, or that politicians actually might be useful to society. The goal is, not to rely on others for information and judgement. Granted we have people we trust, news sites, etc. But the danger can be getting comfortable and letting ones guard down and simply believing what is reported without proper investigation. Withholding judgement is sign of wisdom, to step back from media propaganda and digest, to take space and contemplate information will raise a more tempered intelligent society. With enough resolve and conviction you can retain your space to make up your own mind.

“Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect.” – Mark Twain

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  1. oj

    Great article. I read somewhere that the term ‘conspiracy theory’ came about shortly after the JFK assassination and was used as a polarizing phrase on the masses. whetehr it came from the whitehouse or some secret think tank it doesnt matter. its in everyday vernacular now so best watch out. I find any time the term conspiracy theory is used it only negates further conversation therefore showing the power two words have over any given topic. Two words? If one was to change the title or term to ‘critical thinker’, i’m sure it would resonate very differently with your readers along with the general public. you also mention NLP which in the right hands has helped many people over come and achieve great personal triumphs but now it’s being used with a very different agenda as it gets used over and over and over and over in televison programming. programming? call me a critical thinker, but it looks to me that bernays and orwell might have been onto something.

  2. Gav

    Thanks OJ, yes I’d agree re critical thinker, when I hear the term conspiracy theorist now I automatically think ‘critical thinker’. The use of the term by the mainstream to discredit and insult people now has the opposite effect for me, it’s generally someone I am more open to hearing from than I would be otherwise. Orwell and Bernays among others seem eerily prophetic of late. Or perhaps it’s a conspiracy…wha!

  3. Thomas

    Great post. I am in full agreement. Even people who don’t regard themselves as ‘conspiracy theorists’ or who look down on ‘conspiracy theories’ acknowledge the existence of conspiracies in history which is why I wrote a blog post called ‘We’re All Conspiracy Theorists’:

    Critical thinking is to be encouraged and nurtured.

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