On Meditation

As my meditation course is launching soon (now launched) I thought I’d write a brief post about the subject. Anything I don’t answer for you please feel free to send an email or put a question in the comments below.

I’ve been a regular user of meditation for about 23yrs and noticed from time to time as the perception and trend of meditation has changed. I have my own practices that just find me and I carry on with my own work. For a fuller picture of my own practices, experience and the course I recommend listening to the audio below.

But I have observed there is a lot of fluff around meditation, like yoga too. As an impatient quick fix society we assume inner peace or a flexible body will come with the right trinkets. I don’t object to consumerism, far from it, we have chosen to incarnate on a material plane, why not experience this material world? But I’m aware enough, at least regarding meditation, to know that the right prayer bowl or incense will not transform my restless mind into the deep still waters I crave.

Why meditate for most people:

  • Releases stress.
  • Can improve sleep.
  • Helps digestion.
  • Strengthens immune system.
  • Can alleviate depression and anxiety.
  • Increases energy
  • Helps you appreciate life more.


Why meditate for those who crave the liberation of their spirit, total freedom, come what may:

  • We’re driven to find peace, take any tool you can find.
  • Meditation leads to stillness, wherein new ideas, new information, new direction can spring.
  • Strong messages, strong intuition may be presented. Now always what you want to face.
  • Meditation is the foundation from which you can venture out into deeper practises.


Why meditate if you have physical or mental struggles:

  • I would believe that all physical ailments are manifestations of a mental state, within this mental state may well be other deeper issues to resolve. Meditation can help clear the mind to find direction on how to deal with deeper issues.
  • Many are seeking a deeper peace, more fulfilling lives, aside from material accumulation. Those few regular minutes of meditation can help provide that connection.

Peace or deeper fulfilment need not mean a different spouse or career, simply taking regular time to connect with nature, connect with your higher self, be present, or be aware of how you feel, of what’s going on inside, can help slow the mind down and grant some quiet time. The life changing decisions may follow, but a little peace in the meantime can be found by being still.

Regularly being still may mean the life changing decisions are no longer needed, or perhaps they unfold more harmoniously with the arrival of new ideas coming from that stillness you have allowed.

To read my more advanced experiences with meditation, here is my short article on Predestined Life And The Illusion Of Time.

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