Freedom | Expansion | Evolution

The Reptilian Hybrid

The reptilian hybrid

Consider reading with a beginners mind, consider that you might not know who you are or where you have come from. So when reading about reptilians don’t assume they are something to be feared, and relevant to other people far away from you. I have met a number of people who are both human and reptilian and of course had no conscious awareness.

If we look at ourselves and those around us, we are barely conscious, of course we like to think we are awake and fully in control of our lives but with a little more contemplation we will concede that we have little awareness of who or what we are, and little or no conscious influence in the greater scheme of things. I don’t know a single human personally who is fully conscious, so it is interesting to me that we have been sold the idea that reptilians seem to be fully conscious of what they are doing here. Like humans, many reptilians are not fully aware what they are doing and why, and many humans are also reptilian, among many other beings from other places. It’s not them versus us, because many of us are these other beings without realising it. I myself spent a couple of years becoming aware of my own reptilian aspect, and thanks to people like David Icke I was horrified at first as I began to meet these pieces of myself. Reptilians are similar to humans in that there are good and not so good. We are all God consciousness, see nothing as a problem, merely find the gift within any aspect your ego perceives as a flaw. So if you begin to encounter others as reptilians or even yourself, be open to learning why you are being shown this, and how you can capitalize on this expansion, rather than fear it, as I did, and try to escape, which only slows down our awakening.

The body is moving to a new fuel source and this is the transitional period.

the reptilian hybrid

If you’re a regular reader you may have listened to my podcasts on reptilian entities here, and most recently here, you will know that I am part reptilian and also part mantis, I share 7 lineages of reptilian. A few people I have worked with have seen me as reptilian and I have seen a few others as reptilian. It is not that we choose to allow another to see us from the conscious mind, it may be that the viewer is clear enough in that moment to see deeper into the other person. I have seen some people as reptilian who were horrified when I told them. These are good people, living normal good lives.

Many of us have had lives in many different worlds, and of course fully lived here on earth, we’ve done the most horrid, violent, and exquisitely beautiful things in previous lives, this is merely consciousness expanding and gaining experience, there is no such thing as good or evil. Now with time not being linear, we are actually living those lives in this present moment, thus it is possible to tap into the Us as a different being, with different abilities and awareness. We can share expansion through our various aspects if we are aware enough. 

I have a number of roles on earth in this lifetime, some roles entail activating teachers who are here and preparing to work, these are beings who are fully trained and experienced, who simply need assistance in remembering who they are, what their work is, and most importantly, assistance in facing themselves and integrating their lessons (shadow). These beings also help activate me and push me further. We exchange keys as such. I wrote about the exchange of keys recently in this article on Instagram. 

Another role I have is to marry the human heart to my reptilian lineage and to work with other human reptilian hybrids to help us “upgrade” as it were. A big part of my awareness of my reptilian aspect is Force, or action, and the human strength is Heart or love. So the Force of Love is now required on this plane, a peaceful passive love can only go so far, force, assertion, solidity, immovability also play a role. If you’ve followed my work for a while you know I can be a forceful fucker, I push people, I kick, I want to get the best out of you.

The Hybrid Queen

I have been aware of a different type of hybrid for a few years now, part human, part beings from other places, fully tuned and trained and ready to awaken. You’ve heard me dismiss courses and reading books and people trying continuously to “learn” something, or learn spirituality. Those I work with mostly don’t have to learn anything, their work is not to learn, but merely to cast aside all the distractions and information so that the You beneath can breathe and begin to remember. One of the first things I do when working with people is to cut out their consumption of spirituality, philosophy, information. Stop seeking, stop learning. Scale back, don’t build up. 

The energetic hybrid

Today my awareness of the term hybrid is expanding, in an energetic direction. So many of you reading this are addicts, you don’t even know it, you don’t even know your own being. We’re fueled by chemicals that we generate throughout our day, we would frown upon drinking wine all day or taking substances to help us work, yet we are doing this constantly. We are generating these addictive substances within our own body, we’re just ignorant of our active addiction because it is internal. (For more detail on this see a documentary called What The Bleep Do We Know?)

So your physical body, along with the aspects of you that own and operate this physical suit, use this fuel to function. Anger, shame, anxiety, busyness, stress, sugar, sex, alcohol (even if only the odd drink), dopamine from social media, its all chemical based and this fuel has kept your body and mind going for quite some time.

The Reptilian Hybrid

What is happening now, and beyond your conscious control, is that this energy source is dying off, and with it your ability to digest this energy. This part of your engine is shutting down, and can feel like a death. We’re moving to universal free energy, heart energy. So this is where the death sensations come from, the feeling you are losing it, shutting down, exhaustion. Work with it, facilitate rest, allow the recharging, allow the transition. The old fuel receptors are dying off and the leap must be taken to your core energy. Some will find this easier than others. This heart energy, universal energy, kundalini energy will maintain your body. Some will ascend in the sense that they no longer “use up” any energy, the tap is open, the energy continually flows, so when they enter the body or leave, there is always a free flowing supply. Consider Neo in the Matrix when he is released from the pod and his muscles are weak because he has never used them.

The body is moving to a new fuel source and this is the transitional period. Myself and some around me who are quite forceful reptilians have spent many lifetimes working to activate and integrate the heart chakra, which is otherwise dormant in our species. In humans the heart chakra is mostly walled up. You’ve lived many lifetimes learning to live with a closed heart for protection, highly purposeful, completely natural. The heart chakra, or seal is neither open nor closed, it fluctuates throughout the day, depending on energy levels, the people and surroundings we find ourselves in, and of course depending on the relationship we have with ourselves. But yes there is a general degree of being more open or closed, and most of us are very much verging towards closed. 

The New World

So this is a momentous time, bringing a new energy and shift onto this planet. My work is for my Self, I seek my own liberation, and in turn as I progress my frequency lifts those around me and my experience is of value to those on similar paths. But also this rising frequency triggers and challenges fearful humans (stuck in their own lower chakras) and among many of those reptilians who have never worked towards the heart but are ingrained in the old ways of feeding such as violence, fear and so on. 

What I am seeing almost looks like a death of the physical body, perhaps it is, we are leaving 3d so this old body is no longer relevant, an upgraded 5d body is required.

As I’ve said before I don’t have much interest in ascension, when we are free here on earth there is no “need” for ascension, most people who talk about it are just desperate to escape their pain. When you’re free, this place is a theme park, there is no need to escape. But for those interested in ascension, you cannot escape the lessons you are not complete with, and in my awareness many lessons are frequency based, they are not mind based, or information based. So your body is carrying around the unintegrated frequencies of this and previous lives, along with your family line. Isn’t it ironic the amount of spiritual people who are hungry to ascend yet they are doing all they can to distract themselves or get away from all the code that their physical body is carrying for them. The irony is, the more you tune into the information your body is feeding you, the faster you will ascend, yet modern spiritual people do the opposite, go to yoga, try to think positive, do courses, say affirmations, they do all they can to reinvent themselves, all the while ignoring the primed, highest tuned activation’s that will benefit them, those presented within their own being. 

The Work

So in order to move on to the new body and new energy system, we must clean house. In order to move to your new home, you must pack up your belongings and furniture of your present home, you’ll discard those items you no longer use that take up space, ideally you’ll enter your new home with a slimmed down set of possessions that are more you, ready for your new life. Well you don’t get out of this body (death is not an escape, merely a stage to the next body), until you have evolved past it. 

The turning off of the old energy source results in fear activated as the whole nervous system doesn’t know what is happening and scrambles to stay alive. Life continues but from heart and universal energy. There is a source that flows through us, that requires no action, no doing, it just is, it flows, we wear it like stepping into a perfectly fitting coat and stepping out again. In this flow there is no death or decay or repair, it just is.

I know many like to think they will just wake up in this state, that there is a shift coming on the planet that they can continue to coast through life, avoiding responsibility of their own awakening, and that the shift will happen to them. And yes it will, when they go to battle. We are too unconscious right now. We’re missing so much, so much potential, so many lessons, barely seconds per day are we present and tuning in, so nothing changes, or changes so slowly.

Becoming more conscious takes work, regularly relearning to step out of the mind, away from our phones and distractions, learning to live peacefully in a human body. It is in this state that we begin to meet ourselves, to meet and remember who we are and what we are doing here. This is very different than trying to design a life we (the ego) want.

It takes ongoing work to continually remain open to our path. Who am I? Allow all to pass through, attach to no information or guidance you receive, especially emotions, and over time you will discern and gather experiences that lead you to your Self.

We’re all on our own journey here, so it helps to have a little perspective of all the theories out there, to anchor into our own inner guidance and see what we feel. I’m curious to hear what you felt while reading this article, feel free to comment.

Thanks for reading, if you enjoy my work you can buy me a coffee by clicking this link. 

(I run an 8 week Shadow Integration Course for men and women, for further details on this work click here, although this is the page describing the work with women, the work is similar with men. Men’s page under construction)



  1. Shauna-Lee Chanin

    This really broadened my consciousness.. thank you ever so much!

    • Gav

      Thank you Shauna.

  2. Nicole

    Great read… Thank you ❤️

    • Gav

      Thank you Nicole, glad it was of interest.

  3. Elene

    Thank you for this honest write up. Too much of what we read is very negative. I am also a reptilian hybrid, and do much work with reptilians. We are working to bring light into this situation, and into this world.

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