The Spiritual Importance of 2017

So 2016 was quite a hard year for a lot of us. This is just a short article outlining the changes I see, what we can do to benefit from this energy, and at the end I announce the remote healing and guidance I’ll be offering on the site for the coming year.  But for 2017 many people are only beginning to enter their turmoil, the shift in energy is spreading and gathering more spirits, so their struggle is only beginning. Yet other people are deep in it and the raised energy of 2017 can help push them through, or increase the intensity of the struggle. At the same time some people are reemerging with a little awareness of how this all works, how to ride the wave. So this is a great time, the emergence of a New World.


  • We chose to come here for what’s unfolding.
  • It’s only our ego that panics and seeks to find safe explanations.
  • On a higher level we are all fully aware of what is occurring and of our role here.
  • On this higher level we also understand the purpose of the struggle we are going through – our rebirth.


The wave in the sea can carry you to shore, or smash you onto the rocks.

I see 2017 as a very important year

As I’ve discussed in my videos the energy is rising here, but there is a wave of energy hitting us. Not all growth is smooth and gentle, there can be bumps and bursts which can feel painful and stressful, this is all growth, this is all part of our rebirth, of release. When you get to the crest of the wave you still have to learn how to ride it. The only cosy time seems to be when we are in the flow of riding that wave. But there is work required at each of the different stages.

This transition is ongoing but with intense stages and far easier stages. There are factors involved that can facilitate this transformation, allowing it to unfold rather than battling it. It is a death of sorts, so this transition is not pleasant, which drives the ego and intellect wild seeking reassurances.

Listen to my thoughts on the energetic year ahead in the video below

If you feel you are on the path, if you have a mission

This is for you:

  • Being purposeful will help you remain connected and grounded. In purpose there is fulfillment on a deeper soul level. In this state the superficial things are less important to us, we may still want the new phone or car, and enjoy them when we get them, but our peace and joy is no longer dependent on them.
  • This too goes for achievements, the accumulation of knowledge and information for some higher minds merely acts as more walls to insulate from the oncoming wave of change. When immersed in information, one can try to escape deeper feelings, insights, emotions that are difficult to categorise or understand. This wave of change is stripping us of our old lower ways, both destructive behaviors and ways in which we use our minds and spirits that are no longer serving our higher growth. These behaviors did at one point, often in previous lives, to get us where we are today, but now we enter a New World, they no longer server us. The accumulation of information is a human need to weigh and rationalise what it is, the spirit is a different being altogether. For some of you, the accumulation of trophies of the intellect are no more fulfilling than the emptiness of material wealth. Materialism and information are wonderful things that grant new and enjoyable experiences. But when the spirit seeks that deep food of the nurtured spirit, these other things fall very short in comparison and can throw us into confusion. Perhaps we have the wealth, we have the accolades, but still feel that ever increasing void within. I recommend listening to what I consider my most important video, The Destruction Of The Intellect.

Yet it’s important to remind people:

  • Life is challenging.
  • There will always be struggles.
  • Don’t expect enlightenment or ascension to be handed to you.
  • A wave in the sea can carry you to shore, or smash you onto the rocks.
  • Don’t aim to achieve happiness, aim to be happier.
My 2017 – First 6 Months

My plan is straightforward for the coming months:

  • I’ve booked a Holotropic Breathwork weekend early February (Click here for my article on Breathwork)
  • Two one day Holotropic Breathwork workshops for February and April.
  • Booked one deep medicine weekend workshop on feminine energy in March.
  • Possibly return to ayahuasca around mid year unless I feel called sooner.
  • Continue daily meditation.
  • Cut back or cut out sugar, it’s an addiction for me that doesn’t do me any favours.
  • I see an astrologer I trust once per year who I’ll see in March to get an overview of the coming 12 months.
And perhaps the biggest step and announcement for me:

I will be detailing on the website soon the work I do as a light worker, healer and Queen Maker. These sessions will be open to anyone who feels drawn for:

  • Remote healing
  • Remote guidance.
  • Channeling.
  • And specific spiritual guidance work I do with women who are Queens (more articles will explain this).


So it’s going to be a powerful year whatever way we look at it, be sure you’re signed up to my newsletter below to hear more about what I’ll be offering.  And there’s a more detailed video due out in coming days on my own year ahead regarding my work mentioned above and what I’ll be offering.

