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Category: Awakening (Page 3 of 6)

My First On Camera Interview

My First On Camera Interview

I have been in contact with Denny from the YouTube channel WhyIsThisTrue? for a few months and we have tried a few times to line up an interview as he wanted to hear more about my Queen work with our Mother Goddess and the divine feminine energy. Find Denny’s channel here. Finally we made it happen, so I spoke a little about the Queen work and also about the Reflection work of late. Find the link to the interview below.

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Spoken Word Version Of My Articles On Reflection

Spoken Word Version Of My Articles On Reflection

The articles I wrote recently discussing the theory that all presented in our lives is a reflection of our consciousness, have changed my life, and view of the world, and I feel this is only the beginning of what can transpire as a result of this observation. I will be writing and speaking in more detaile on this subject.

For now, the YouTube channel The Higher Self kindly converted the articles to spoken word, so find the link below if you wish to have a listen to this subject.

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Seek Power

Seek Power


We live in an extremely dependent society, with many calling for more dependency. Governments are growing worldwide, with protesters in the streets calling for even more government control of their lives. As I’ve mentioned before in articles and videos, this crying out is an inability to be still, to observe and release our own rising pain. Unaware that this discomfort stems from within, many want someone else to be responsible, or to make them feel better. I seek power, and there are others I see and admire who are drawing up that great energy from deep within.

Self empowerment is not handed to us by politicians or revolutionaries. And we don’t battle enemies to attain it, we battle ourselves.

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How I Manifest – The Next 30 Days

How I manifest – The Next 30 Days

I have a routine of exercises I’ve used in the past to manifest what I needed. In recent days I have restarted part of this routine and will add to it in the coming days. I will be writing about what I’ll be doing to generate a different life for myself. So you’re welcome to practice these exercises along with me, it would be great to see others benefit from this work too.

Money and work flowed, and I managed to get to a point of getting 80% of predictions of roulette numbers correct, consistently.

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There Is No Spoon – Part 3 – Becoming Whole

There is no spoon – Part 3 – becoming whole

Continuing from Part 2 that you can read here

Moving on from what we have learned in the first two parts: absolutely everything is a mirror of our consciousness, and even the heavy experiences were agreed to by our higher self as a learning experience, the purpose of this article is practicality, what can we do day to day to make use of that awareness?

How you respond to circumstances is what determines your state of being. – Bashar

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A Simple Guide To Deep Spiritual Work

A simple Guide To Spiritual Work

As I’ve been attending various healing ceremonies and weekends of late I thought I’d write a guide for anyone seeking to engage in some deeper spiritual work on themselves. Often people don’t know where to start or what to look for so I thought I’d give a few pointers that may be of use.

I could actually finish this post by just saying : Trust your gut, but I’ll elaborate a little.

Where to begin

Follow your instinct, you may feel its time to engage in something light, that makes you feel good and enjoy life, perhaps yoga or meditation, some kind of spiritual discussion group. Go for it, get out there, there really is so much to choose from these days both online and locally to open our minds to a new way of viewing the world. Meditation many think is about being blissed out, I don’t think it is, I’ve written about the challenge that is meditation here, a realistic view.

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There Is No Spoon – Part 2 – I Am The Problem & Solution

There Is No Spoon – Part 2 – I am the problem & solution

Part 2 of 3

This is the second of three parts on reality. Read Part 1 There Is No Spoon – How To Manipulate Reality here.

To carry on from part one, we may struggle with some heavy experiences in our lives such as deaths, accidents, abuse etc. It’s not easy to take responsibility for these things and it takes time and regular reminders as its very easy to slip into blame or victim mode.

A couple of points I am exploring regarding those heavy and dark experiences we’ve had:

  • We have invited them. Our conscious mind really does not know what is going on, and can expend a lot of time and energy thinking it knows or scrambling to try to know. Our higher self on the other hand does know and to take it further, our higher self has charted a course before this incarnation, possibly hundreds or thousands of years ago (the latter is my experience), of what we wished to experience and learn. So there are agreements, the Soul Contract, with other beings and people, to work with us. Nothing enters our lives unless we have invited it in some way at some time.
  • We vibrate with all we interact with. Dark entities or hard experiences, all vibrate with us, if we did not vibrate at that frequency on some level, they would not be able to enter or connect with us.


It’s not that others are not real, it’s that what you experience is made out of your own energy in your reality. – Bashar

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There Is No Spoon – How To Manipulate Reality

There Is No Spoon – How To Manipulate Reality

Part 1 of 3

This is the first in a three part series on what reality potentially is, from a truly practical perspective, forget philosophy and spiritual theory and pondering, what the f%*k can we do to actually get free, to improve our lives, to heal? That is the purpose of these three pieces.

The first step to improving any area of our lives, changing anything we are unhappy with or that needs adjustment is taking responsibility for what we don’t like. The more areas of our lives we can take responsibility for, the more power we have to make changes, and thus improve our quality of life. Makes sense. 

Talk to most spiritual people and they’ll agree, sure, we create our reality. Start asking questions and you’ll soon be told that maybe they have created some good kids, but they don’t know why they misbehave in school, or they created the great job, but not the asshole co-worker, or the lovely house but not the central heating which continues to cause problems, or the traffic on the way home from work, or the war in the middle East. You see where I’m going.

How about everything that enters your life, I mean absolutely every single thing, is a mirror of your consciousness.

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Evil Does Not Exist

Evil Does Not Exist

In a ceremony last weekend I received further guidance on who I am and what my role here is, but I also encountered yet more dark energy that I released. This dark energy can be called entities or demons but increasingly I feel the later terms are not warranted. The demons or entities are in fact merely energy, that we form from our own consciousness. I am the darkness and the light.

But something I have often heard others talk about, and I “believed” myself, I finally had the fortune to experience. I was shown that all is from the light. In the retreat on my journey, it can feel as if there is no time, so I don’t know how long this lesson took, I assume moments or minutes in our own understanding.

I was shown that all is from the light.

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