Spontaneous Evolution – To Be Free Is To Evolve
Spontaneous Evolution occurs without restriction, direction or planning. Growth of a society or an individual is stunted and restrained as a result of government central planning or inflexible ideals, or indeed social pressures. Spontaneity leads to inspiration and new experiences, which challenge and expand the mind of the individual and ultimately the collective. With increasing governmental controls from food to money to freedom of movement and ideas, the individual either begins to stagnate as does society or else kicks back needing to expand and grow, or die.
Spontaneous – Evolution
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Articles on Freedom!
Each week we’ll give you some original content and ideas based on the purest idea of them all, freedom!
[button url=https://spontaneous-evolution.com]Articles on Freedom[/button] [/column] [column size=1/3]
Higher Learning
A large part of being truly free is freedom of the mind.
[button url=https://spontaneous-evolution.com]Higher Learning[/button] [/column] [column size=1/3]
There are no mistakes
There is no one way, it’s just all evolution, but we strive to be greater!
[button url=https://spontaneous-evolution.com]There Are No Mistakes[/button] [/column]
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