The Revolution Happy Meal: Instant Dependency

I could start this post with ‘The people are taking back power in Greece!’, but that’s a bit presumptive, so how about:

Are people taking back power in Greece with the rise of Syriza? Is Spain next to address corruption and look out for ‘the poor’ with one year old political party Podemos? Why are the Irish marching against water charges, with Sinn Fein (political wing of terrorist organisation the IRA) just about the most popular party?

The common element in each of these cases is they all hold extreme socialist policies. So when the people get angry and feel dis-empowered, they veer Left. So is this the revolution that has been in the air? Will these politicians remove the stranglehold of power and massive wealth from the 1%, to use the language of the day?

Marching is not enough, protesting is not enough. Waving a flag and demanding someone else make the important decisions does not make you a revolutionary.

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