Crown Awakening


I have worked nearly 30yrs towards this present time, this Great shift, the Corona (Crown) Awakening. I wrote recently about King and Crown energy here. I knew it was coming for the past 3yrs but I didn’t know what it would look like, and it’s taken me time to recognise the opportunity. The egoic mind can be so convincing, yet to think it knows what a future awakening will look like, is ridiculous when we consider it. Yet another lesson of stepping away from the mind as master and into the unknown.

We have chosen this pause and reset. Life hasn’t stopped, but it will accelerate, on each of our time lines as each of us reach our point of target. So your life may be sluggish and challenging for weeks or months, or just days, depending on your ability to be present and integrate. (Translation: consider not wasting time catching up on work, or watching Netflix, but being present with your own deconstruction/expansion)

The purpose of this pause is to return inward

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