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Tag: Water

Homemade Fluoride-Free Toothpaste

homemade Fluoride Free toothpaste

I quit using toothpaste containing fluoride about 9 years ago but just continued buying expensive herbal fluoride-free toothpaste for the following years. I was just too lazy to have a go at making my own. About six months ago I finally tried, and its dead simple, takes very little time and works out far less expensive than the health store stuff.

Why Make It Yourself?
  • Coconut oil is antiseptic, kills bacteria in the mouth.
  • Bicarbonate of soda is also antiseptic and can be used to stop bleeding gums.
  • You know exactly what ingredients are in your toothpaste.
  • Best of all, no fluoride.

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Do You Free Market Bro?

do you free market bro?

For the past few years we have been told repeatedly by politicians and the media that the Free Market has caused the economic recession. Giving the markets, or banks to be more precise, too much freedom to do business resulting in them mismanaging money and going broke, so we’re told. That they were bailed out by governments is another days discussion, the question today is: were the banks operating in a Free Market in the first place? Do We live in a Free Market?

A completely free market is a form of a market economy where buyers and sellers are allowed to transact freely (i.e. buy/sell/trade) based on a mutual agreement on price without state intervention in the form of taxes, subsidies or regulation.

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Irish Water Cronyism

Irish Water Cronyism – What Is It?

The main news in Ireland for many months revolves around Irish Water Cronyism. It is a state company that uses tax payers money to establish itself, pay wages, possibly upgrade the water infrastructure etc. Regardless of making a profit or loss, this company can feed off the unlimited purse of the tax base. It might be a voluntary company as in consumers can opt out, but it is a monopoly so consumers will struggle to pick an alternative.

This is not privatization. This is not a private company.

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