When I first saw the image above over one year ago it really resonated with me. It was like a piece of the jigsaw. Let me explain.

In Initiation by Elisabeth Haich she mentioned that in these times we may be initiated, reminded, of who we are, via work “off planet”, as opposed to the on planet Mystery Schools of the past.

A couple of years ago I spent some time with a breatharian who had not eaten or drank anything in a few years, she developed her light body to the extent that she is nurtured from both the sun and earth. She described to me how she would tune in to her teachers, off planet, and they would work together in developing her energy centres, this work went on for a number of hours each day, for years.

An increasing part of my work is with sexual energy, guiding people to face and integrate trauma they carry, to allow their energy to flow much freer through the chakras, to flush out the sexual trauma that is flowing through all of us, the collective, and our family lines. 

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