There Is No Spoon – Part 2 – I am the problem & solution

Part 2 of 3

This is the second of three parts on reality. Read Part 1 There Is No Spoon – How To Manipulate Reality here.

To carry on from part one, we may struggle with some heavy experiences in our lives such as deaths, accidents, abuse etc. It’s not easy to take responsibility for these things and it takes time and regular reminders as its very easy to slip into blame or victim mode.

A couple of points I am exploring regarding those heavy and dark experiences we’ve had:

  • We have invited them. Our conscious mind really does not know what is going on, and can expend a lot of time and energy thinking it knows or scrambling to try to know. Our higher self on the other hand does know and to take it further, our higher self has charted a course before this incarnation, possibly hundreds or thousands of years ago (the latter is my experience), of what we wished to experience and learn. So there are agreements, the Soul Contract, with other beings and people, to work with us. Nothing enters our lives unless we have invited it in some way at some time.
  • We vibrate with all we interact with. Dark entities or hard experiences, all vibrate with us, if we did not vibrate at that frequency on some level, they would not be able to enter or connect with us.


It’s not that others are not real, it’s that what you experience is made out of your own energy in your reality. – Bashar

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